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What’s here at eightfoxavenue Indoor Sports Centre?

Everything you need for


Why should you come to eightfoxavenue Indoor Sports Centre?

  • It’s indoors, so you won’t have to cancel anything because of the weather!
  • Enjoy a competitive session!
  • Come and watch!
  • (Or have a good coffee and a chat while the kids play!)
  • eightfoxavenue Indoor Sports Centre is at (surprise! surprise!) 8 Fox Ave, Wollongong. Easy access and plenty of FREE off street and street parking.


The details

Our playing area is 32M X 20M -- fully enclosed on 3 sides with rendered walls, and on the 4th side by netting. The netting allows spectators to enjoy the action without balls knocking into their coffee!

For the players, the net is great, because you don’t have to go chasing the ball!

The timber floor is fully sprung – specially designed for fitness activities.

We have a coffee bar, where great coffee, cold drinks and snacks are available

We pride ourselves on our clean and hygienic changing rooms and bathroom areas

Amazing customer service is our priority.

Our Partners


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