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From the beginning of Friday,18 February 2022, the following adjustments will be made to the current settings:

  • No density limits (previously one person per 2sqm for hospitality venues);
  • QR check-ins will only be required for nightclubs, and for all music festivals with more than 1,000 people. Hospitals, aged and disability facilities may use their existing systems for recording visitors;
  • Singing and dancing will be permitted at all venues, except music festivals, where singing and dancing can recommence from 25 February;
  • The recommendation to work from home will change and be returned to the employer’s discretion.
From the beginning of Friday, 25 February 2022, the following adjustments will be made to the settings:

  • Masks will only be mandated on public transport, planes, and indoors at airports, hospitals, aged and disability care facilities, corrections facilities, and indoor music festivals with more than 1,000 people;
  • Masks are encouraged for indoor settings where you cannot maintain a safe distance from others and for customer-facing retail staff to protect vulnerable people who must access these premises and services;
  • Each State Government agency will review where it may be appropriate for public-facing staff to wear masks and will implement as necessary; and
  • The 20,000 person cap on music festivals will be removed, with singing and dancing permitted. Vaccination requirements will remain for indoor music festivals over 1,000 people, with attendees required to have at least two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.
The Office of Sport will provide further information if relevant to the sector once the Public Health Order has been updated.


The Public Health (COVID-19 General) Order (No 2) 2021 has been published, outlining changes to the rules which will come into effect from Wednesday 15 December 2021. Please see below:

From 15 December 2021, reduced COVID-19 restrictions will be in place in NSW. More broadly rules have changed with regards to:

  • Density limits
  • Proof of vaccination
  • QR check in
  • Use of face-masks
Amendments relating to the sport and recreation sector are detailed below.
Sport and Exercise
Anyone can now participate in sport and exercise.

  • People are no longer required to be fully vaccinated or carry vaccination evidence.
  • COVID-19 Safe Check-in is only required at gyms (check-in is mandatory at the Centre).
  • Face masks are still required.
  • Density limits no longer apply.
  • COVID Safety Plans are no longer required.
Indoor Recreation Facilities
Gyms and indoor recreation facilities can now operate with no person or capacity limits in place, including group fitness classes.

As noted above, patrons attending gyms are still required to check in via a Service NSW QR code.

Cheers, Brad.

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