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About Us
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About Us

We love it when young people (and not so young people) enjoy themselves and have fun!

We are really excited at being the FIRST in the Illawarra to introduce BUBBLE SOCCER, a new craze that is sweeping the world. Try it! You’ll love it!

eightfoxavenue Indoor Sports Centre is a family-oriented Indoor centre where you can bring the kids and relax while they play.

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Centre Manager

Hi! I’m Brad Olds.

I’ve been a fan of soccer and all sports since I was a kid, and I've played various indoor and outdoor sports since I was just 4 years old. Throughout my working life as an engineer and a sytems technologist, I had always wanted to get into a job involving sports, any sports. When I left the IT industry and worked with Gary, the previous owner of eightfoxavenue, I knew I'd found my dream job. When the opportunity arose to buy the business from Gary, I grabbed the chance to run my own Indoor Sports Centre with both hands.

I wanted to continue Gary's great work and put the centre well and truly on the map and let everyone know where it is – and it’s interesting, even though it used to be called the Coniston Sports Centre, it isn’t really in Coniston. It’s in Wollongong.

So now eightfoxavenue Indoor Sports Centre is quite well known but I want it to become even better known. And we're so easy to find, because whatever map you look at, or whichever GPS you use, it will always be at 8 Fox Avenue!

Although the Centre is bit old and tired, we're working to spruce it up a little. You’ve got to have a crack at these things and give it the best you’ve got.

So we are in the process of upgrading the facilities and we’ve created a space where people can come and just hang out, play a game with their mates, but also bring their families if they want to.

There’s a cool coffee bar, and the changing rooms and bathrooms are fresh, clean and hygienic.

There’s also a safe spectator area.

And now we’re really excited by being the first place in the Illawarra to get BUBBLE SOCCER!

We are open EVERYDAY from 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM! Pick your time and type of activities you wish to play:

  • Team games
  • Indoor Soccer (5-a-side Futsal)
  • Casual sports
  • Fitness classes
  • Birthday Parties
  • Corporate teambuilding
  • School sports
  • Kid’s sports
  • Or just pop in for a great cup of coffee.


We are a part of the local community! If we support each other, this will be a great venue! HAVE FUN and GET FIT AND HEALTHY with eightfoxavenue Indoor Sports Centre.

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